Welcome to Introduction to Machine Learning Applications#
Prof Kuruzovich
Office Hours Tuesday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Virtually Via Webex Teams.
TA Name: Yuanyuan Liu Office Location: Virtually Via Webex Teams or via https://rensselaer.webex.com/meet/liuy55
TA Office Hours: Monday 10am-12PM
*We will use the course website to share Jupyter notebooks and Box to share files like Powerpoint presentations.
To access Box, you need to setup a Box account with your RPI email, as described here: https://itssc.rpi.edu/hc/en-us/articles/360004742212-Box-Overview-Registering-for-an-RPI-Box-Account In addition, you may find it useful to download box drive https://www.box.com/resources/downloads.
This is the website for the Rensselaer class Introduction to Machine Learning Applications.
Webex Teams: Classroom and Asynchronous Discussions and Questions#
I want to be very responsive to your questions and concerns as we go through the class. Webex Teams (NOT EMAIL) is the best way to reach me. I would suggest downloading the Webex Teams application for your phone and desktop. Because Webex meeting chats do not persist, we are going to use the Webex Teams space for text discussions. WEBEX TEAMS Discussion Space
Course Content#
This website will be the primary source of content for the class.
Assignments. All instructions for assignments will be provided on LMS.
Box will be used to share files (presentations, spreadsheets, etc.).
LMS: Assignment Submission, Quizzes, and Grading#
Please be aware that I might do in-class quizzes to encourage attendance.
For assignments a starter excel spreadsheet or Jupyter notebook will be provided. Always start with that and upload the actual completed .xlsx file or .ipynb file for grading rather than a pdf.