
Introduction to Python - Introduction to Pandas

5. Introduction to Pandas#

  • Pandas Overview

  • Series Objects

  • DataFrame Objects

  • Slicing and Filtering

  • Examples: Financial Data

  • Examples: Iris

5.1. Pandas Overview#

  • Pandas is object-oriented.

  • We create data frames by constructing instances of different classes.

  • The two most important classes are:

    • DataFrame

    • Series

  • Pandas follows the Java convention of starting the name of classes with an upper-case letter, whereas instances are all lower-case.

  • The pandas module is usually imported with the alias pd.

import pandas as pd

5.2. Pandas (like the rest of Python) is object-oriented#

  • Pandas is object-oriented.

  • We create data frames by constructing instances of different classes.

  • The two most important classes are:

    • DataFrame

    • Series

  • Pandas follows the Java convention of starting the name of classes with an upper-case letter, whereas instances are all lower-case.

5.3. Pandas Series#

  • One-dimensional array

  • Series can be like array, with standard integer index starting at 0

  • Series can be dictionary like, with defined index

data = [1,2,3,4,5] #This creates a list
my_series = pd.Series(data) #array-like pandas series, index created automatically
my_series2 = pd.Series(data, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])  #dict like, index specified
print(my_series, '\n', my_series2)

5.4. Plotting a Series#

  • We can plot a series by invoking the plot() method on an instance of a Series object.

  • The x-axis will autimatically be labelled with the series index.

  • This is the first time we are invoking a magic command. Read more about them here.

%matplotlib inline

5.5. Creating a Series from a dict#

d = {'a' : 0., 'b' : 1., 'c' : 2.}
my_series = pd.Series(d)

5.6. Indexing/Slicing a Series with [] or . notation#

  • Series can be accessed using the same syntax as arrays and dicts.

  • We use the labels in the index to access each element.

  • We can also use the label like an attribute my_series.b

  • We can specify a range with my_series[['b', 'c']]

#Notice the different ways that the parts of the series are specified. 
print( my_series['b'],'\n', my_series.b, '\n', my_series[['b', 'c']])

5.7. Functions on Series#

  • We can perform calculations using the entire series similar to numpy.

  • Methods are called from within np.Series, for example np.Series.add

  • See a variety of series functions here

#These are just a variety of examples of operations on series.

starter = {'a' : 0., 'b' : 1., 'c' : 2.}

a = pd.Series(starter)
print('Print the entire array a: \n', a)

print('Mulitiply by 10 directly:\n', b1)

print('Mulitiply by 10 using the function:\n', b2)

print('Add a and b together directly:\n', c1)

c2=pd.Series.add(a,b1) #Note we are calling the method of the series class. Numpy used us np.add
print('Add a and b together with a function:\n', c2)

suma=pd.Series.sum(a) #Note we are calling the method of the series class. Numpy used us np.add
print('sum all of a:\n', suma)

f=a**2  #This squares the value. 
print('square a:\n', f)
x = pd.Series({'a' : 0., 'b' : 1., 'c' : 2.})
y = pd.Series({'a' : 3., 'b' : 4., 'c' : 5.})
z = x+y
print('Add 2 series together:\n', z)

5.8. Time Series#

  • Time series models link specific times with rows.

dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=5)
time_series = pd.Series(data, index=dates)

5.9. Plot Time Series#

  • With a data and a value, the plot command can be used to provide quick visibility in the form of a line graph.

ax = time_series.plot()

5.10. DataFrames#

  • The pandas module provides a powerful data-structure called a data frame.

  • It is similar, but not identical to:

    • a table in a relational database,

    • an Excel spreadsheet,

    • a dataframe in R.

  • A data frame has multiple columns, each of which can hold a different type of value.

  • Like a series, it has an index which provides a label for each and every row.

5.11. Creating a DataFrame from Outside Data#

  • Data frames can be read and written to/from:

    • database queries, database tables

    • CSV files

    • json files

    • etc.

  • Beware that data frames are memory resident;

    • If you read a large amount of data your PC might crash

    • With big data, typically you would read a subset or summary of the data via e.g. a select statement.

5.12. Creating a DataFrame from Python Data Structures#

  • Data frames can be constructed from other data structures in memory:

    • dict of arrays,

    • dict of lists,

    • dict of dict

    • dict of Series

    • 2-dimensional array

    • a single Series

    • another DataFrame

5.13. Example: Creating a DataFrame from Multiple Series#

  • Pandas codes missing values as NaN rather than None

  • Series should have matching keys for each matching row.

d = {
        'x' : 
            pd.Series([1., 2., 3.], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),
        'y' : 
            pd.Series([4.,  6., 7.], index=['a',  'c', 'd']),
        'z' :
            pd.Series([0.2, 0.3, 0.4], index=[ 'b', 'c', 'd'])

df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print (df)

5.14. Plotting DataFrames#

  • When plotting a data frame, each column is plotted as its own series on the same graph.

  • The column names are used to label each series.

  • The row names (index) is used to label the x-axis.

ax = df.plot()

5.15. Functions and DataFrames#

  • We can do calculations and functions with dataframes just like series.

  • Functions will typically return a dataframe or a series, depending.

  • To make a copy, don’t set two dataframes equal us the copy method: df2= df.copy()

print(nulls, "\n", type(nulls))


print("\nNull sum for each column \n", nullsum, "\n", type(nullsum))

print("\nWe can slice these results to get the answer for x \n", nullsum.x)
df2= df.copy()
print(df, '\n', df2)
df2=df ** 2 #This squares all values. 

5.16. Summary statistics#

  • To quickly obtain summary statistics on numerical values use the describe method.

  • You will get a warning if there are missing values.

  • The result is itself a DataFrame, that we can slice dfstats.y['mean'].


#END HERE.....
xmean = dfstats.x['mean'] #This is the X mean
ystd = dfstats['y']['std'] #This is the Y standardard deviation

5.17. Data Types#

  • Each will have an inferred data type.


5.18. Accessing the Row and Column Labels#

  • The row labels (index) can be accessed through df.index.

  • The column labels can be accessed through df.columns.


5.19. Loading Files with Pandas#

  • We used Pandas in an earlier notebook to load the iris data file.

  • Whenver you have a dataset with a variety of fields of various types, loading it into Pandas is a good strategy.

  • You can load data from Azure, from a local file, or from a url.

--2020-08-22 22:40:00--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3715 (3.6K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘iris.csv’

iris.csv            100%[===================>]   3.63K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2020-08-22 22:40:00 (22.4 MB/s) - ‘iris.csv’ saved [3715/3715]
# Pulling from a local file
frame2 = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')

5.20. Large Dataframes - Head and Tail#

  • Many times you just want a sampling of the available data

  • The head() command can view the start of a data frame.

  • The tail() command can be used to show the end of a data frame.

# Pulling from a url.  Notice that this is the raw version of the file.
frame3 = pd.read_csv("")

5.21. Indexing/Slicing Rows of DataFrames#

  • Simple ways of selecting all rows and colu (df[:])

  • Rows can be accessed via a key or a integer corresponding to the row number.

  • Omitting a value generally means all values before or after an item.

  • When we retrieve a single or mulitiple rows, the result is a Dataframe.

  • Several ways, either directly, with iloc, or with loc. (See Examples).

  • Read more here

#This is going to create some sample data that we can work with for our analysis. 

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Create a dataframe from a random numpy array 
df = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] )
print (df)
df2 = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] )
print (df2)

5.22. Indexing/Slicing Columns of DataFrames#

  • Simple ways of selecting colum(s) frame[[colname(s)]].

  • Columns can have one (df['x']) or multiple (df[['x', 'y']]) columns.

  • When specifying one column, one can use simplified dot notation df.x.

  • When we include multiple columns the slice that result is a DataFrame.

  • When we retrieve a single column, the result is a Series.

  • When we retrieve mulitiple column, the result is a Dataframe.

#Here we can see that there is a similar structure to R, with selecting the desired columns by passing a list.

print (df[['c', 'd']]) #All rows, column c, d
print (df[[ 'c', 'd']]) #All rows, column c, d
print (df.iloc[:,[0,2,3]]) #All rows, column a,c,d
print (df.iloc[:,0:2])     #All rows, column a-b
print (df.iloc[:,[0,2,3]])     #All rows, column 0,2,3
print (df.loc[:,'a':'b']) #All rows, column a-b
print (df.loc[:,['a','c','d']]) #All rows, columns a, c, d

5.23. Dropping Columns from Dataframes#

#Here, we can remove columns specifically from a dataframe using the drop method.
df2 = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] )
print (df2)
df2.drop(['e','f'], inplace=True, axis=1)
print (df2)

5.24. Selecting Rows#

  • Similarly, we also might want to select out rows, and we can utilize the same syntax.

  • iloc

## Selecting rows
print (df[0:3])     #Select rows 1-3
print (df.iloc[0:3,:])     #Select rows 1-3
print (df.iloc[0:3,])      #Select rows 1-3
print (df.iloc[0:3])       #Select rows 1-3
print (df.iloc[[1,2,4]])   #Select rows 1, 2, and 4

5.25. Intro to Filters (Logical indexing)#

  • Filters are the selection of rows based on criteria.

  • We can select based on specific criteria.

  • These criteria can be connected together.

  • Most of the time we won’t specfically assign selection critia to a list.

# At the foundation of the filter is a boolean array based on some type of condition. 
df['a'] >= 20
#notice how the logical statement is inside the dataframe specification.  This creates an intermediate boolean array. 
df[df['a'] >= 20]
#This is an alternate method where we first set the boolean array. 
included=df['a'] >= 20
#We can now generate a vector based on a critera and then use this for selection
select = df['a']>=20
print (select,type(select))
print (df.loc[select,'a']) #Notice by including only one variable we are selecting rows and all columns.

select2 = (df['a']>20) & (df['c'] < 30)  #More complex criteria
print (select2)
print (df.loc[select2,['a','c']])
#Here we are creating a new variable based on the value of another variable.
df['aboveavg']=0  # We first set the default to 0. 
df.loc[df['a']>=20,'aboveavg']=1 #We then change all rows where a is >=20 to 1.

5.26. Joining Dataframes#

  • Often you need to combine dataframe,

  • either matching columns for the smae rows (column bind)

  • Add rows for the same columns (row bind)

5.27. Stacking Dataframes Vertically#

  • Adds rows vertially with the concat function

  • The index is not automatically reset

  • In R referred to as a row bind.

#This first generates 2 dataframes. 
df = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] )
df2 = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] )

#This will stack the 2 dataframes vertically on top of one another
dfbyrow=pd.concat([df, df2])  #This is equivalent to a rowbind in R. 
print (dfbyrow)
# View how the index here from df has been reset and incremented while in the earlier example the index was kept. 

addition = df.append(df2)
print(addition )
addition2 = df.append(df, ignore_index=True)
print(addition2 )

5.28. Inner/Outer Joins Dataframes#

  • Adds rows vertially with the concat function

  • In R referred to as a column bind.

  • Can do the equivalent of an inner and outer join.

#Merging additional columns also uses the concat function 
#This is equavalent to an inner join in SQL.
df = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] )
df4 = pd.DataFrame((20+np.random.randn(10, 4)*5),  columns=['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] )

dfbycolumns = pd.concat([df, df4], axis=1, join='inner')
#Here we are generating a small dataframe to be used in merging so you can see the differences in specifying inner & outer, 
dfbycolumns = pd.concat([df, shortdf], axis=1, join='inner')
#Here, the outer does the equivalent of a left outer join for this dataset. 
dfbycolumns = pd.concat([df, shortdf], axis=1, join='outer')

Copyright AnalyticsDojo 2016. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license agreement.

5.29. CREDITS#

5.29.1. Large sections of this were adopted from Analysing structured data with Pandas by Steve Phelps. Thanks Steve!#

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license agreement.